Study @ Tersia King Learning Academy Primary

Tersia King Learning Academy Primary prepares students to be responsible, globally-minded, compassionate, and reflective learners. Our rigorous academic programme creates space and time for critical reflection on basic questions about what is good, fair and just. We teach to the heart as well as the mind.

Primary School Principal

Mrs Busi Kunene

Message from Primary School Principal

At Tersia King Learning Academy, our goal is help any child that walks into our door to develop holistically. We believe that every child is unique and our qualified and dedicated staff aid in shaping their God given talents. Our learners excel in academics, sport and cultural activities which is testament to the kind of education that TKLA thrive to impart on its learners.

Through the support of our dedicated parents and schools community, Tersia King Learning Academy cements the values that represent the community of Tembisa which are Trust, Loyalty, Respect and Discipline .

We are the beacon of Tembisa! Education Enlightens!

Meet Mrs Busi Kunene.

Lego Robotics
Aftercare for
Gr 1 – Gr 3

Welcome to Tersia King Learning Academy
Primary School

At TKLA Primary we aspire to challenge and support our learners to strive for personal excellence by setting goals early on in life and then teaching them to pursue these goals successfully.

TKLA Preparatory Best school

We offer several Enrichment Programmes as part of our curriculum after school

affordable learning school
Robotics programme
independent preparatory computer lab
technology development

    Gr 1 – 3
  • English HL
  • Afrikaans FAL
  • Mathematics
  • Life Skills
  • Physical Education
  • Lego
  • Computers
    Gr 4 – 6
  • English HL
  • Afrikaans FAL
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Science & Technology
  • Social Sciences
  • Life Skills
  • Physical Education
  • Lego
  • Computers
    Enrichment Programmes
  • CAMI
  • Amakhodi Coding Programme
  • Stimulus Maxima (SM)
  • Individual reading classes
  • Conquesta Olympiad


Edugro Winter Sport
primaryschool programme-2
primary netball spaort
primary school sport

Sports on offer

  • Netball
  • Soccer
  • Chess
  • Gumboot Dancers
  • P.E Festival
  • Edugro Winter Sport

Cultural Activities

primary school Senior Choir
school culture
Field trip
Ekurhuleni Eisteddfods

Cultural Activities Offered

  • Junior Choir
  • Senior Choir
  • Ekurhuleni Eisteddfods
  • Outreach programmes eg.
    SPCA initiatives / PJ & Slipper day
  • Educational Outings
  • Heritage day
  • Anti-Bullying week



  • Grade 5 Leadership Identification camp
  • Prefect Leadership training courses


International participation
Unisa First Lego League
Learner robotics projects
High School Matric Dance


  • International participation
  • Unisa First Lego League
  • Gauteng South & North competitions
  • Sci Bono sponsored


tkla aftercare kids
tkla aftercare activities
tkla aftercare lunch
tkla sftercare homework
Aftercare Flyer
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